
Oblivion is a Doom 1 episode by Stormwalker, who last year gave us the spectacular and surprisingly underrated Flashback to Hell. This is a lighter, more bit-sized release than Flashback was — one that you can probably finish in an afternoon, especially since it’s nice and easy on the challenge. It plays pretty casually, even on Ultra-violence, until the last couple maps, where the stakes rise, and rise quickly. In Oblivion, like Flashback to Hell, Stormwalker’s mapping style is unmistakable. Every room he creates is polished to perfection, without getting caught up in unnecessary details or going nuts with sector

Sci-fi Extravaganza!

Is this the real life? Or is this just sci-fi? Seriously, WHAT IS HAPPENING. Has anyone else noticed all the cool sci-fi stuff is coming out, like… right now? Did I miss the memo about sci-fi becoming super trendy and profitable? First, I saw an ad for this little darling on the old T-and-V: If you want the CliffsNotes: Crazyman Tom Cruise. God. In a sci-fi thing. Yep, sold, moving on.