WADapalooza! Check out the most recent What’s Awesome, Doom? reviews: Scythe II, Counterattack, OCD-Doom, and this eight-for-the-price-of-one megareview!
I also “reviewed” a “WAD” called “lilith.pk3.” I have no idea what’s going on. Please send help.
Still not enough WAD news? Great! I’ve released a small tribute to the legendary 1997 WAD STRAIN for its 20th birthday. It’s called Return to Daro!
And it’s not exactly Doom, but hey… there’s a Wolfenstein 3D mod that’s also awesome and I really wanted to talk about. Check out Operation Eisenfaust: Legacy on a Very Special Episode of What’s Awesome, Doom?
Lastly, the Ascendancy LP continues, slowly but surely, with three episodes of the second run up. It’s sort of on the back burner right now, but I assure you I’ll finish it eventually.
And, as always, I hope you check out my older stuff, either by category at the top of the page or by date over on the right. Thanks for stopping by!